How do we join the club?

The Facebook page for Everton Swimming Association can be used to make an initial enquiry. The Facebook administrator will respond to your request and hand your details over to our New member’s Secretary Bob Hurst. Bob has indicated that he is also contactable directly by mobile – 07798908668 and by email at [email protected]. At this point Bob will arrange a suitable date and time for your child/ children to come to one of our venues for a trial.

Membership and Fees

An annual fee is paid to Swim England which is a regulatory body which allows the swimmer to swim for a recognised club. The payment is not to Everton Swimming Association, and it is due at the end of the year. Angela Allford (Membership Secretary) will collect the fees for the Swim England.

Monthly fees are to Everton Swimming Association and need to be paid by Standing Order – details on the back of membership form which you will be required to fill in and handed to Angela Allford. Members can pay on any date in the month. Fees are NOT paid in advance or arrears.

LTS £40.00

Gp1 £45.00

Gp2 £45.00

Gp3 £50.00

Junior Development Group £52.50

B Squad £58.00

A Squad £63.00

A Squad Non Competitive £37 (2 swims a week)

Family fee A  (2 children) £90.00 (both in Groups or 1 in Groups and 1 in Squads)

Family fee B (2 children) £95.00 (both in Squads)

Family fee A  (3 children) £121.00 (All in Groups or up to 1 in Groups and 2 in Squads)

Family fee B  (3 children) £132.00 (all in Squads)




Note – Swim England membership fee should be paid to Angela Allford and details of the registration process.

Contact [email protected]

Poolside Etiquette

Parents are not allowed on poolside, either during training sessions or galas.

No photography/video is allowed during training sessions or galas.

Children representing Everton Swimming Association should be polite to officials and helpers, they should be mindful of making excessive noise, and remember to keep the poolside clear of swimming bags.

The judge’s decision is final and parents and swimmers cannot challenge decisions made regarding technical disqualifications.

Representing the club at a gala

Swimmers will be advised by the coaches if they are required to represent Everton Swimming Association at a gala

They must turn up at the gala venue before the official warm up time.

Diving from the shallow end will be decided by the gala officials and communicated on the day of the gala.

All Everton swimmers should wear the Everton swim caps during all events and heats.

Equipment should include swimming goggles and appropriate costumes for girls and swimming trunks for boys.

Swimmers should wear Everton Tee bags on poolside over their swimwear

Two towels (one for pool side and one for changing room)

Light snacks and fluids should be taken to the gala.

Moving through the groups

Transition from one group to another will be at the discretion of the coaches.
This is based on Swim Englands stages 1-10.
Based on level 1 being LTS through to group 7 when the swimmers are ready to go in to the competitive swimming groups.
Levels1 to 10 can be found in more information under the Swim England header of our FAQs section.

Decisions to move a swimmer to the next level will be based on attendance and ability, it will also depend on how many times the swimmer can attend training sessions. The demands in training increase as the swimmer progresses, also if there is a space available in the next group.

Coaches keep registers of swimmer’s attendance.

Swim England Development Framework within Our Groups and Squads


Is transport available to swimming sessions and external gala's?

The parents are responsible for getting swimmers to training sessions and local galas.

Where multiple swimmers represent the club at Regional level such as Arena league, a coach is provided.


To see Swim England COVID FAQs click on this link. /www.swimming.org/swimengland/coronavirus-faqs-answered/

The legal requirement to wear a facemask has been removed but the government expects and recommends that people should continue to wear them in crowded and enclosed settings, to protect themselves and others.

People who wish to wear a mask should be encouraged and supported to

Whilst the Government has removed the requirement to maintain 1 metre + distance from people you do not live with from 19th July, we would encourage all pool users to continue to be careful and to respect other peoples space.

The Government has removed the capacity limits, therefore you can return to your pre Covid capacity levels, subject to agreement with your local venue and having carried out an appropriate risk assessment of your specific circumstances.

event organisers should continue closely liaising with their respective venue operators, who may have their own rules on venue capacities, and continue checking Government guidelines.

We have produced some advice around swimming competitions here. Advice for other disciplines will be published by 23 July.

Competitions that have been organised under Step 3 guidance may wish to continue as planned. There may be opportunity to flex the arrangements to fit the new government guidance, but this must be agreed with the venue in advance.

Covid symptoms – You should continue to follow the latest NHS guidance on when to self isolate and the duration of that self isolation. NHS guidance

Swim teachers can do so now without the requirement of maintaining social distance from participants. It is for the instructor/teacher and venue to determine what they deem the most appropriate location to teach from based on their specific circumstances.

Swim Englands stages 1 - 10

Stage 1
Developing basic safety awareness, the ‘class’ scenario, basic movement skills and water confidence skills. Swimmers may use flotation equipment, e.g. arm bands, floats, etc. By completing this Award, with or without flotation equipment or support, swimmers will be able to:
1. Enter the water safely.
2. Move forward for a distance of 5 metres, feet may be on or off the floor.
3. Move backwards for a distance of 5 metres, feet may be on or off the floor.
4. Move sideways for a distance of 5 metres, feet may be on or off the floor.
5. Scoop the water and wash the face.
6. Be comfortable with water showered from overhead.
7. Move from a flat floating position on the back and return to standing.
8. Move from a flat floating position on the front and return to standing.
9. Push and glide in a flat position on the front from a wall.
10. Push and glide in a flat position on the back from a wall.
11. Give examples of two pool rules.
12. Exit the water safely.

(12 Outcomes)

Stage 2
Developing safe entries into the water, including jumping in, basic floating, rotation to regain an upright position without support. Travel must be without flotation equipment. Swimmers may use flotation equipment when not travelling. By completing this Award, with or without flotation equipment or support, swimmers will be able to:
1. Jump in from poolside safely to a minimum depth of 1.0 metre.
2. Blow bubbles a minimum of three times rhythmically, with nose and mouth submerged.
3. Move from a flat floating position on the back and return to standing without support.
4. Move from a flat floating position on the front and return to standing without support.
5. Push from a wall and glide on the back – arms can be by the side or above the head.
6. Push from a wall and glide on the front with arms extended.
7. Travel using a recognised leg action with feet off the pool floor on the back for 5 metres, without the use of flotation equipment.
8. Travel using a recognised leg action with feet off the pool floor on the front for 5 metres, without the use of flotation equipment.
9. Perform a tuck to rotate from a flat floating position on the front, to a back floating position, then return to standing.
10. Perform a tuck to rotate from a flat floating position on the back, to a front floating position, then return to standing.
11. Perform a log roll from the back to the front.
12. Perform a log roll from the front to the back.
13. Exit the water without support.

(13 outcomes)

Stage 3
Developing safe entries into the water, including submersion, travelling up to 10 metres on the front and back, progressing rotation skills and water safety knowledge. By completing this Award, without flotation equipment or support, swimmers will be able to:
1. Jump in from poolside and submerge to a minimum depth of 1.0 metre.
2. Sink, push away from wall and maintain a streamlined position.
3. Push and glide on the front with arms extended and log roll onto the back.
4. Push and glide on the back with arms extended and log roll onto the front.
5. Travel 5 metres on the front, perform a tuck to rotate onto the back and return on the back.
6. Fully submerge to pick up an object.
7. Correctly identify three of the four key water safety messages.
8. Push and glide and travel 10 metres on the back.
9. Push and glide and travel 10 metres on the front.
10. Perform a tuck float and hold for three seconds.
11. Exit the water without using steps.

(11 Outcomes)

Stage 4

Developing the understanding of buoyancy through a range of skills, refining kicking technique for all strokes, and swimming 10 metres to a given standard as directed by Swim England (Swim England Expected Standards). By completing this Award, without flotation equipment or support, swimmers will be able to:
1. Perform a sequence of changing shapes (minimum of three) whilst floating on the surface and demonstrate an understanding of floating.
2. Push and glide from the wall towards the pool floor.
3. Kick 10 metres backstroke (one item of equipment optional).
4. Kick 10 metres front crawl (one item of equipment optional).
5. Kick 10 metres butterfly on the front or on the back.
6. Kick 10 metres breaststroke on the front (one item of equipment optional).
7. Perform a head first sculling action for 5 metres in a flat position on the back.
8. Travel on back and log roll in one continuous movement onto front.
9. Travel on front and log roll in one continuous movement onto back.
10. Push and glide and swim 10 metres, choice of stroke is optional

(10 outcomes)

Stage 5
Developing technique through sculling and treading water skills, completing rotation and performing all strokes to the Swim England Expected Standards. By completing this Award swimmers will be able to:
1. Perform a flat stationary scull on the back.
2. Perform a feet first sculling action for 5 metres in a flat position on the back.
3. Perform a sculling sequence with a partner for 30-45 seconds to include a rotation.
4. Tread water for 30 seconds.
5. Perform three different shaped jumps into deep water.
6. Push and glide and swim 10 metres backstroke (performed to Swim England expected standards).
7. Push and glide and swim 10 metres front crawl (performed to Swim England expected standards).
8. Push and glide and swim 10 metres breaststroke (performed to Swim England expected standards).
9. Push and glide and swim 10 metres butterfly (performed to Swim England expected standards).
10. Perform a handstand and hold for a minimum of three seconds.
11. Perform a forward somersault.
12. Demonstrate an action for getting help

(12 Outcomes)

Stage 6
Developing effective swimming skills including coordinated breathing, understanding of water safety and preparation for exercise. By completing this Award swimmers will be able to:
1. Give two examples of how to prepare for exercise and understand why it is important.
2. Sink, push off on side from the wall, glide, kick and rotate into backstroke.
3. Sink, push off on side from the wall, glide, kick and rotate into front crawl.
4. Swim 10 metres wearing clothes.
5. Push and glide and swim front crawl to include at least six rhythmical breaths.
6. Push and glide and swim breaststroke to include at least six rhythmical breaths.
7. Push and glide and swim butterfly to include at least three rhythmical breaths.
8. Push and glide and swim backstroke to include at least six regular breaths.
9. Push and glide and swim 25 metres, choice of stroke is optional (performed to Swim England expected standards).
10. Perform a ‘shout and signal’ rescue.
11. Perform a surface dive.

(11 outcomes)

Stage 7
Developing quality stroke technique up to 100 metres, incorporating skills learnt and combining them to develop a linked routine and complete successfully an obstacle course that combines a variety of skills learned throughout Stages 1-7. By completing this Award swimmers will be able to:
1. Push and glide and swim 25 metres backstroke (performed to Swim England expected standards).
2. Push and glide and swim 25 metres front crawl (performed to Swim England expected standards).
3. Push and glide and swim 25 metres breaststroke (performed to Swim England expected standards).
4. Push and glide and swim 25 metres butterfly (performed to Swim England expected standards).
5. Perform a movement sequence (linking skills with strokes and sculls) of one minute duration, in a group of three or more, incorporating a number of the following skills:
* Sculling: head first, feet first
* Rotation: forward or backward somersault, log roll
* Floating: star on the front or on the back, tuck float, create own
* Eggbeater: Moving, lifting one or both arms out of the water
6. Perform a sitting dive or dive.
7. Push and glide and swim 50 metres continuously using one stroke (performed to Swim England expected standards).
8. Push and glide and swim 100 metres, using a minimum of three different strokes (performed to Swim England expected standards).
9. Tread water using eggbeater action for 30 seconds.
10. Complete an obstacle course (using minimum of four objects) with feet off the pool floor throughout.

(10 outcomes)

Stage 8
By completing this Award, swimmers will be able to:
• Complete a set lasting 400 metres (e.g. 16 x 25 metres, 8 x 50 metres, 4 x 100 metres) on a specific turnaround time agreed by the teacher/coach (e.g. 1.00 minutes for each 25 metres) with a focus on stroke technique and consistency.
• Swim 400 metres continuously using one stroke ( Swimmer’s choice).
• Push and streamline then kick 25 metres backstroke with or without using a board.
• Push and streamline then kick 25 metres breaststroke with or without using a board.
• Push and streamline then kick 25 metres butterfly without using a board.
• Push and streamline then kick 25 metres front crawl with or without using a board.
• Perform a backstroke turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
• Perform a breaststroke turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
• Perform a butterfly turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
• Perform a front crawl turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
• Perform a dive track or grab start and kick butterfly under water in a streamlined position for 5 metres with the focus on progressing it to 10 metres.
Stage 9
By completing this Award, swimmers will be able to:
• Complete a set lasting 800 metres (either 16 x 50 metres; 8 x 100 metres; 4 x 200 metres) on a specific turnaround time as agreed by the teacher/coach (e.g. 1.30 minutes for 50 metres) with a focus on stroke technique and consistency.
• Swim 800 metres continuously choosing one stroke. *
• Swim a continuous 100 metres individual medley (4 x 25 metres) using recognised turns with a FOCUS on stroke technique and consistency.
• Perform a 15 metres underwater kick on front from a push and glide in a streamlined position.
• Perform a backstroke start then butterfly kick in a streamlined position under water up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point (wall), transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.
• Perform a front crawl start, underwater kick in a streamlined position up to a
• maximum of 15 metres from the start point (wall). Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.
• Perform a butterfly start, kick in a streamlined position up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point (wall). Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.
• Perform a breaststroke start, perform a one and a half pull under water, transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.
Stage 10
By completing this Award, swimmers will be able to:
• Complete a set lasting 1,600 metres (either 16 x 100 metres, 8 x 200 metres, 4 x 400 metres) on a specific turnaround time agreed by the teacher/coach (e.g. 2.30 min for 100 metres), focus on stroke technique and consistency.
• Swim 1,500 metres continuously choosing one stroke.
• Perform a continuous 100 metres (4 x 25 metres) individual medley kick without using a kick board.
• Swim a continuous 200 metres (4 x 50 metres) individual medley using recognised turns.
• Perform a front crawl relay take over -as an incoming swimmer.
• Perform a front crawl relay take over – as an outgoing swimmer.

Taking Competitive Swimming to the next level

Everton Swimming Association are a Swimming Club that teaches children to swim in our Learn to Swim (LTS) groups and then grow their swimming abilities with our Volunteer level 1/2 Teachers and Coaches by utilising the Swim England Development Framework moving into competitive swimmers through the swimming groups preparing them for galas and team events when they reach the age of 9 years.

We take our competitive swimmers to County age group standard with many reaching Regional level and some make the National Age Group competitions.

When our swimmers reach County level and show potential on taking their competitive swimming further then our best swimmers have the opportunity to join the City of Liverpool training scheme and receive coaching from full time level 3 coaches who utilise Swim England’s National Youth Development Programme. 

Our Swimmers on this training scheme will continue to compete for Everton SA at the County Championships, Level 3/4 Licensed and unlicensed Galas and all team events (Eg M&D League, Arena League, NW Micro league). 

See our club policy in this respect esa-col-movement-policy-2024-pdf