Everton Swimming Association 

Gala Information

Everton Swimming Association is a competitive swimming club, as such, it is expected that swimmers of all ages compete at all levels of ability.

Competitions and galas are run throughout the year at Club level, District level,  County, Regional and National level. In all levels there is the opportunity to compete individually or for Everton SA as a team member.

Everton Swimming Association has achieved success  in the past at the highest standard, with an Olympian amongst ranks, and continues to achieve success currently at National standard.

All these are run under Swim England Laws.





Team Gala’s

These are some of the Team Galas Everton SA compete in;

Coop Cup (formerly Echo Cup)


National Arena League Series

Merseyside & District League

North West Micro League

MacMillian Charity Gala



Individual Gala’s

Here are some of the Events Everton SA compete in;

Everton SA Club Championships

Everton SA & Prescot Club gala

North West Mini series

Liverpool Tadpoles gala

City of Liverpool Splash & Dash

Lancashire County Championships

North West Regional Championships (Summer & Winter)

Southport Sprint

Wigan galata

Wirral Metro Meets

Series 2 Level X swim league

Rotherham Gala at Sheffield Ponds Forge

County and Regional Qualifier Galas



Conversion times – click here

When entering Long Course (50m pool) events, entry times must be Long Course based. Some Long Course meets will allow the use of Short Course (25m pool) times if converted using standard conversion tables. It is also possible to use Long Course times converted to Short Course times for entry into most Short Course events. For more information on the difference between various gala’s see more info page.

Licensed Meets Swim England

Swim England ratify the events listed.

Gala’s Explained – Click Here

Gala Advice for Swimmers and Families – Click Here