Club Announcement – Annette Templeton Assistant Head Coach

We are proud to announce that Annette Templeton has been made Assistant Head Coach. She will take responsibility for all our Competitive Squads and  swimmers whilst working alongside Sean O’Rourke who is the Assistant Head Coach responsible for LTS and the Development Squads and swimmers. Annette and Sean have full responsibility for all our Coaching/Teaching staff which includes Training session coverage/rota, swim training direction, coaches and teacher formal Swim England training and progression, Team event selection and organisation of any of our events and galas.

Annette will continue to be the Lead Coach of B Squad at this time.

Parents who wish to discuss their swimmers progress are always welcome to speak to the lead coach of their group/squad or contact our Assistant Head Coaches (Annette for Competitive swimmers, Sean for LTS and development Groups) at poolside, on spond or by email.

Congratulations and good luck to Annette in her new role.