Parents, Carers, Guardians and Coaches
On 15th June Swim England published their guidance on a phased approach to the return of club based swimming. We wish to advise you that the Everton Swimming Association‘s committee met virtually on 18th June to analyse those recommendations.
As you will appreciate, it will take time to digest and formulate a workable strategy with our facility operators to safely return our members to regular swimming sessions, based on the challenges of those recommendations.
In the next few days, the committee will send every member of the club an email with a questionnaire attachment. We ask that you all complete the form and return it to the club secretary within the time frame stipulated on the email. If by chance you are using a works email and don’t have access at this time, please contact our club secretary directly, so she can forward you a copy.
Once we receive your completed forms, we will then be in a better position to follow Swim England’s recommendations. The safety of our members is paramount and will be considered at every stage of our approach to a possible return .
The Government and Swim England make these decisions and recommendations, and may be subject to phased changes at any time.
We thank you for your continued support, patience, understanding and co-operation during these unprecedented times.
Stay Safe, we look forward to seeing you all as soon as it is safe to do so.
Everton Swimming Association Committee